Why e-tutoring?
We are waiting for you and we invite to study with us!

Why e-tutoring
Experienced teaching staff

There is a popular saying which states that teachers are the people who are doomed to eternal self-improvement. We fully agree with these words and that is why all our teaching staff place the emphasis on expanding our knowledge as well as our arsenal of teaching methods. We all share the same opinion about it and this is one of the reasons that makes us a great team. Together we formulated a specific goal: to teach effectively and achieve the maximum of planned effects.
We have been constantly working on implementing our objective for over ten years as we started offering our language courses on every level of advancement in 2007. That is why we can be proud of our extensive experience we have gained so far. Although, our group has changed over the years, some things always remain the same, it is our dedication, commitment and willingness to share knowledge. They form the solid foundations on which our daily activity is based.
Within the ranks of our teaching staff you will meet only qualified specialists who know how to properly steer your course of learning. We place a great emphasis on developing the ability to communicate freely in a chosen language and we never stop our efforts to make our learners satisfied with the quality of our virtual lessons.
Our offer includes not only learning a foreign language for personal use but we also have extensive experience in preparing our students for the exams like Cambridge ESOL and Goethe Institut. Graduates of our courses are proud holders of prestigious certificates confirming the skills they acquired during our fruitful cooperation.
Our teaching staff, with the use of modern teaching methods, will do their best to push your learning in the right direction. We will help you set your objectives and then we will strive to achieve them together. What we can guarantee you is our experience, proven skills, professional support of experts and the willingness to share our knowledge with you. All you have to do is strike a flame of initial motivation and we will take care of the rest and turn the flame into a real fire!
Why e-tutoring
Flexible class schedule

We are living in the world that never stops. We have no choice but to give up some of our plans due to the fact that a day has only 24 hours. It so happens that language learning often suffers from it. Although we are aware of how important it is for us, we are not always ready to find enough time for it in our daily schedule. E-tutoring can be seen seen as an answer to such problems. Our modern method of language learning allows to achieve satisfying results and also guarantees comfortable conditions of learning and saves your time. Therefore, this solution is effective both in the case of company employees and people who value the benefits it brings.
We offer the opportunity to take lessons at different times, in the conditions that suit our students. If you want to learn foreign languages at home and sitting in a comfortable armchair, you have come to the right place. You will only need a computer with Internet access to have a virtual meeting with our teacher.
We encourage you to enjoy the freedom and flexibility which our modern teaching method guarantees.
Friendly learning atmosphere

It is widely known that a friendly atmosphere for learning is a factor which positively affects the achievement of better results. The committed approach of both parties and the good contact between the teacher and the student create optimal conditions for measurable progress. If you use our e-learning method, you will get a guarantee that our qualified teaching staff will make every effort to help you achieve your goals.
Experience in e-learning and the highest quality in terms of its content are the foundations on which we build our system of daily work. We consistently use the latest multimedia technology and our style of work is designed so that the courses can be carefully tailored to the participants’ requirements. In this way they will bring the desired results.
A lot of people and companies have already appreciated our work since we started our operation. Caring for a friendly atmosphere and appropriate learning conditions, we come up with an offer which matches the expectations of the people interested in language courses. We warmly encourage you to contact us and arrange the first meeting with one of our teachers. All you need for that is a computer with access to the Internet.
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